The Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship: A Prestigious Opportunity

With your recent graduation, you find yourself at an exciting crossroads, filled with possibilities. Your hard work has paid off, opening doors to a world of opportunities. One such opportunity is the prestigious Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship. As a recipient, you would embark on a life-changing international journey of discovery. This distinguished award provides recipients like yourself the chance to expand your horizons through immersive cultural experiences abroad. Let your curiosity chart the course as you navigate new landscapes and customs. Now is the time to step outside your comfort zone. Allow yourself to be transformed through the personal growth that comes from exploring the world’s rich diversity. Make the most of this rare gift to feed your passion for adventure.

Overview of the Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship

Prestigious Opportunity

The Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship is a highly prestigious award granted annually to three New Zealand graduate students to fund travel for educational purposes. Established in 1904, the bequest provides grants of up to NZ$30,000 for recipients to travel abroad for a minimum of six months to enhance their knowledge and expertise in their chosen field of study.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship, applicants must be New Zealand citizens or permanent residents who hold at least an undergraduate degree from a New Zealand university. Preference is given to applicants under the age of 35. Applicants are assessed based on both academic merit as well as the relevance and value of their proposed travel. Strong applications demonstrate how the opportunity to travel will benefit the applicant’s future career and contribute to their field of study.

Application Process

Applications for the Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship open in October each year. The application requires submitting a research proposal outlining your intended travel, academic transcripts, two academic references and a personal statement. Shortlisted candidates are invited to an interview. Recipients are announced in May, with funding available to commence travel from January the following year.

The Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship presents a unique opportunity for emerging scholars and professionals to gain international experience that enriches their expertise and networks. For the select few awarded this prestigious scholarship each year, it can be life-changing. The bequest has enabled over 370 New Zealanders to travel abroad in pursuit of knowledge that benefits both themselves and society.

Eligibility Requirements and Application Process

Basic Requirements

To be eligible for the prestigious Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship, you must be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand and be under 30 years of age. You must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and not currently be enrolled in any academic program. Proficiency in a second language is considered an asset.

The Application

The application process is highly competitive, with only 12 scholarships awarded each year. The application requires submission of official academic transcripts, a curriculum vitae detailing relevant experiences, a research proposal outlining your intended area of study, two academic references, and a personal statement expressing your motivations and goals.

Selection Criteria

Applications are evaluated based on several factors. Academic merit and potential for high achievement are primary considerations. The selection panel also assesses the viability, significance and innovation of the proposed research topic. Relevant skills, experiences, and competencies that would facilitate the research are also taken into account. Strong communication skills and leadership potential demonstrated through extracurricular activities or work experience may strengthen an application.

Award Benefits

The Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship provides tuition and living expenses for up to 3 years of full-time study at an overseas university. It offers a unique opportunity to gain international experience, expand your professional networks, and advance your knowledge in a chosen field of study. The scholarship allows recipients to travel, live and study abroad, an experience that can be truly life-changing.

In summary, the Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship is an esteemed award that can open up a world of opportunities for talented and motivated students wishing to pursue postgraduate study internationally. If you meet the eligibility criteria and are committed to excellence in your field, this prestigious scholarship program may be an ideal way to advance your education and career.

Tips for Putting Together a Strong Application

To submit a compelling application for the Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship, follow these recommendations:

Focus on Your Research Interests

In your personal statement, convey a clear vision of the research area you wish to explore and how the scholarship will enable you to advance your work. Discuss any preliminary investigations you have conducted and how further study will build upon them. The selection committee seeks candidates with a serious, well-developed academic focus.

Build a Strong CV

Highlight relevant educational experiences, awards, published papers, and other accomplishments that demonstrate your aptitude for advanced research. Seek letters of recommendation from professors and mentors who can persuasively advocate for your abilities and potential for high-level scholarship.

Develop a Clear Research Proposal

Your research proposal should outline a rigorous yet feasible plan of study for maximizing the 6- to 12-month scholarship period. Delineate specific questions you aim to explore and the methods by which you will conduct your investigation. Explain how access to resources in the proposed host country is critical for advancing your work. The committee favors candidates with a structured and realistic vision for their research.

Accentuate the Benefits

Emphasize how you will both contribute to and benefit from an extended period of study abroad. Discuss how intercultural exchange and access to international expertise or archival/field resources will enrich your scholarship. Explain how you will share what you learn with your home institution and academic community. Recipients are expected to make the most of the opportunity to build connections across borders.

To stand out in the applicant pool, focus on articulating a compelling vision for your research, supported by a record of strong achievement and an ability to take full advantage of the unique opportunities the scholarship offers. With meticulous preparation and a persuasive application, the Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship could be within your reach.

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As an ambitious student with dreams of exploring the world, the Marten Bequest Traveling Scholarship represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fund your educational journey. With its generous financial support and focus on cultural exchange, this prestigious scholarship empowers you to immerse yourself in new places and gain life-changing experiences. Though the application process is competitive, the potential rewards are immense. Let the Marten Bequest open doors to your future. Approach it with passion, purpose and perseverance. With hard work and a compelling application, this scholarship could launch the adventure of a lifetime.

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